In the Despicable Me franchise, the minions have served several bosses since their evolutionary creation. In the introduction scene of Minions, the yellow creatures’ backstory is revealed, sharing that the minions instinctively follow the most evil leader. Based on the Minions and Despicable Me timeline, their story spans millions of years since the minions are shown to have evolved from cells.
Over the millions of years that followed since their first leader, the minions have worked under many masters, often accidentally causing their deaths. In the Despicable Me franchise, there are thousands of minions, all eager to serve a boss. Since the Despicable Me series has many villains, it has given the minions no shortage of leaders to choose from. Yet, they still tend to remain loyal to one particular leader throughout the six franchise films.
9 T. Rex
Pangea, 90-66 Million B.C.
The minions first find the T. Rex after he steps on an ancient fish, which they follow out of the ocean. They begin to follow the T. Rex and are eventually even seen riding on his back. The T. Rex is an interesting master since it isn’t evil. Instead, it is mostly hunting and vicious only on instinct. However, there is only so much the minions can do to help the T. Rex other than help it hunt.
When two minions stop to get bananas, they dislodge a giant boulder which goes rolling down the hill. The boulder catches up to the T. Rex. It ends up comically running on top of it as the rock picks up speed. The boulder travels all the way to the edge of a volcano, where the T. Rex can finally catch his balance.
Unfortunately, the minions also catch up to their master, and when one tumbles down the hill toward the volcano, he hits his head on the boulder, dislodging it once more. The T. Rex falls into the volcano in a blast of fire, resulting in his demise. Soon, the tearful minions are sent in search of another master to follow.
8 Caveman
Unknown, 10,000 B.C.
Cave paintings show that after they lost the T. Rex, the minions begin to follow humans. Man is claimed to be “shorter, hairier, and way way smarter” than the dinosaur, which the minions like. The minions wear fur loin clothes like their leader and are seen following him through fields.
In an attempt to help a caveman defeat a bear, the minions offer him a flyswatter instead of a real weapon, saying “pinata.” The caveman is easily convinced and takes the tool, batting the bear on the snout several times. Unfortunately, despite the minions’ good intentions, this only infuriates the bear, who quickly mauls their leader. The minions casually escape the bear and seek a new master.
7 Egyptian Pharaoh
Ancient Egypt, 2500 B.C.
The minions then head into Ancient Egypt, where they serve the pharaoh during the construction of the pyramids. Their boss is seen with a whip and yelling, “Anubis!” who would have been the Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife. The minions, always eager to help, are ready to help christen the new pyramid.
Unfortunately, they have their blueprints for the pyramid upside down. Instead of balancing on its point, as they expect, the pyramid falls over, crushing the pharaoh and his followers. The minions soon have to move on to another master, seeing as they destroyed the civilization they were living in.
6 Dark Age Vampire
Transylvania, 500-1500 CE
The minions’ new master is an unspecified vampire in the Dark Ages. Living in his gothic castle with him, the minions once again prove to be rather useless servants. Still, the yellow creatures are eager to belong, so they wear little vampire cloaks to mimic their master.
In an attempt to be helpful, they wake their vampire master from his sleep and throw him a 357th birthday celebration. With a cake and decorations, they open the window to wake him up and illuminate the party. Unfortunately, when the daylight reaches the vampire, he instantly turns to stone. When they try to blow out the birthday candles, they accidentally blow their boss away as he turns to dust. To add insult to injury, another minion sneezes at the vampire dust, further decimating their boss.
5 Napoleon Bonaparte
France, 1812
The minions then begin assisting the French leader Napoleon during his invasion of Russia. As they stand with him, ready for battle, the minions are in charge of the cannon. Though they are clearly well-intentioned and planning to help their boss, things don’t quite work out that way.
The movie does not miss an opportunity to make fun of Napoleon’s notably short stature, making him look reminiscent of the size and style of the minions.
As a minion steps to the end of the cannon to point toward the enemy, his weight angles the weapon downward. Of course, the cannon misfires and hits Napoleon, launching him through the air. Fortunately, none of Napoleon’s surely gorey remnants are shown. The army of minions goes running, chased by the real French army, who are annoyed with them for shooting their leader. The minions run off into a white snowy fog.
4 Yetis
Unknown Ice Cave, 1968
The minions have Yeti leaders, before again, ultimately causing their demise. The minions living in an ice cave come across a Yeti family, who they decide will be their new leaders. The Yetis are short-spoken, mostly communicating in sounds, but the minions are enthusiastic nonetheless.
The minions performed for their Yeti leaders, complete with a musical and dance number. Unfortunately, a loud tuba sound dislodges a piece of ice from the ceiling. The frozen chunk lands directly on the head of the lead Yeti, putting an end to the festivities. It appears the minions have killed another leader or at least severely injured him. With this, the minions head toward England, where Scarlet Overkill awaits them.
Minions 3
is now set to debut on June 30, 2027.
3 Scarlet Overkill
London, 1968
Before working for Gru, the minions spend significant time under Scarlet Overkill. She particularly works with Kevin, Stuart, and Bob, the three minions who set out to find the new boss. By the time the rest of the minions arrive, Scarlet’s reign is essentially over. Despite that, she is a superstar in the villain world.
With the minions’ help, Scarlet plans to steal Queen Elizabeth II’s crown, which would make her the Queen of England.
The minions meet Scarlet at Villain-Con, a convention of evil people held in Orlando. The convention is full of potential leaders, but Scarlet proves that she is the ultimate bad guy and reveals she is looking for new henchmen. She, assisted by her husband Herb, are the most infamous villains of the era. With the minions’ help, Scarlet plans to steal Queen Elizabeth II’s crown, which would make her the Queen of England.
The minions thwart Scarlet’s plans in their classic nature, especially when Bob retrieves the legendary Sword in the Stone, automatically making him the King. In a ruthless attempt for revenge, Scarlet tries to blow up Stuart and Bob. The Queen’s crown is stolen once again by Scarlet, but she is stopped by a freeze-ray, frozen into a block of ice. The source of the freeze-ray is revealed to be a young Gru, who proves he is a better villain than Scarlet. With that, the minions begin to seek Gru as their new leader, leading into the Despicable Me Universe.
2 Gru
United States, Present
For most of the Despicable Me and Minions franchise, the minions are under the rule of Gru. In fact, in the first film, when the minions are introduced, it seems as though Gru created them. It is not until Minions and Minions: The Rise of Gru that the minions’ backstory and relationship to Gru is explained. The thousands of minions live in Gru’s underground lab, helping him with his experiments, creating equipment, and getting into trouble. Many of the minions rarely directly interact with Gru, though he has his favorites and appears to know all the minions’ names.
Unlike with their other bosses, the minions don’t seem to disrupt Gru’s plans too much, and they have managed not to kill him. Even when Gru turns to a life of crime-fighting, many of the minions follow him, having found a family with him, Lucy, and their daughters. But, as Gru insists he is reformed, many of the minions are displeased with their new working conditions since they instinctively want to follow the greatest villain possible. Some of the minions abandon Gru to find new jobs.
1 Dru Gru
United States/Freedonia, 2011
In Despicable Me 3, with the introduction of Gru’s villainous twin brother, Dru, the minions have the opportunity to follow a new leader. While Gru insists on following his new virtuous lifestyle, Dru still wants to be evil. He convinces several minions to join him in his career as a super villain. Together, they steal Gru’s airship from his home. Gru allows his brother and the minions a head start before he tries to stop them.
Is Dru In Despicable Me 4?
Gru’s brother was an important character in Despiecable Me 3, but plays a very different role in the plotline of Despicable Me 4.
Though the ending of the third film suggests that minions are now working for Dru, Despicable Me 4 dispels this. In the 2024 film, Dru is reduced to a non-speaking role, and the minions are no longer seen working for him. Many are still working under Gru and the Anti-Villain League, seeming to cement their allegiance to the Gru family. The minions have worked under many leaders in the Despicable Me franchise, yet they always return to Gru and his family.